Surrealistic Blue Erosion

Surrealistic Landscape Generated By Water Erosion (Rock and Water layers)

White Sand and Water

Realistic Sand Sculpted by Water Erosion (Rock, Sand and Water layers).

Fast Erosion

Rock and Snow Sculpted by Accelerated Erosion in 20 seconds

GPU Terrain Painter

Paint Rivers, Raise Mountains, Spark Volcanoes.

Unleash your creativity and paint realistic terrains in just a few minutes ! Terrain Painter is an interactive, GPU-accelerated terrain editing software that allows you to design stunning landscapes in real-time ! Each brush literally "paints" the selected matter (rock, lava, sand, water, ..) on ground to get an immediate realistic result ! With features such as rain, erosion, volcanic eruptions, each brush stroke adds a new layer of realism, from sand dunes to raging rivers ! Designing custom environments that look and feel real has never been easier !

Surrealistic Erosion

Blue Erosion

Rock and Snow

Rock And Snow

Red Canyon

Red Canyon


Explore the unique Terrain Painter functionalities !

Interactive Painting

Interactive Painting

Real time draw with simulation

Use a water brush to effortlessly carve meandering rivers and watch as the water flows naturally, adapting to the height map of the terrain. Whether you're crafting rolling hills or designing intricate river systems, this core feature offers an unparalleled experience in digital terrain design !

Realistic Simulations

Realistic Simulations

Accurate grid simulation

Each texture pixel reflects the intricate details and nuances of terrains.
Terrain Painter provides as well water flows, erosion, realistic sand simulation, sediment deposition, on 4 layers with full 32-bits per channel precision to accurately portrays real-world geological processes.

Native Textures Tiling

Native Textures Tiling

Flows come from opposite side

Enjoy the seamless beauty of infinite landscapes with Native Texture Tiling. Water exiting one side of the texture will re-enter from the opposite, creating an endless, perfect tiled effect without any visible seams ! A continuous natural flow across your scene, very useful to build tiling textures and normal maps !